Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dove Campaign For Real Beauty

One of the most widely known companies for beauty is Dove. Dove decided in 2004 that they wanted to start a campaign to "serve as a starting point for a societal change and act as a catalyst for widening the definition and discussion of beauty." What Dove wants is for women all over the world to consider themselves beautiful and not look to the media as what is normal. What really makes this campaign special is not only are they not using payed models, but they are using real women in their campaign advertisements. The real mission of the Dove campaign is "to make more women feel beautiful everyday by widening stereotypical views of beauty." Spreading the word around is easy for Dove because they are using advertising in magazines to television commercials, billboards, and so much more to spread the message of real beauty around the world. Dove found that "81% of women in the U.S. strongly agree that the media and advertising set an unrealistic standard of beauty that most women can't every achieve."Reading this statistic made me know that most women don't want to look like every perfect model in the magazines but want to stop the media from putting an unrealistic image of women out there for the public to see. As Dove continues to spread their campaign all over the world, many women are beginning to see a brighter future for their bodies and unrealistic views are a thing of the past. 


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