Seeing skinny celebrities on magazine covers and ads is always common in today's society. Photoshop has become a photographers best friend when it comes to making an ad stand out. From slimming down arms and legs to lightening skin, photoshop has always been the key ingredient for a perfect ad. Basically every magazine cover you see has at least been touched up. In recent photoshop news, a Skinny Pepsi ad with Modern Family actress Sofia Vergara has become controversial. Vergara is mostly known for her curvacious body which stands out among all of the skinny actresses in today's media. Steve Hall of industry blog Ad Rants wrote," Women with big boobs aren't skinny, they are top heavy and top heavy is bad when it comes to our current culture's definition of rail thin beauty." I totally agree with Hall's comment. Most women that are curvy and are not rail thin are not seen as beautiful or accepted in the media today. When looking at all of the different comments about this ad, you see how negatively people have responded to it. Pepsi came out with a statement regarding the ad saying"our slim attractive new can is the perfect complement to today's most stylish looks," says Pepsi Co's Jill Beraud. Obviously Pepsi agrees with being skinny is more accepting and more stylish. Overall I think Vergara should not have been portrayed like that. If they wanted a skinny model on the cover they should have thought about that before taking away a beautiful women's curves.
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1358498/Did-Pepsi-digitally-slim-curvy-Sofia-Vergara-ad-new-skinny-can.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
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